

印度禁用TikTok等应用程序的决定,让一些印度网红们觉得失望、不满,吉萨·斯里达尔(Geetha Sridhar)就是其中之一。





Geetha Sridhar never used to enter her kitchen in Mumbai without her smartphone. The 54-year-old homemaker used to post dozens of short videos daily on the Chinese video app TikTok, mostly of herself cooking traditional recipes.

With one million TikTok followers, she earned an average 50,000 rupees (about 4,680 yuan) a month from companies who paid her to use their products.

For thousands of Indian content creators like Sridhar, TikTok was a window into fame and fortune. But on Tuesday, the app, owned by China’s ByteDance, went blank on phones across India after the government banned it along with 58 other Chinese-origin apps which it considered a “threat to national sovereignty”, a raucous move against China in the online space since a face-off between the two countries’ forces at the border region last month.

“TikTok made me strong and confident. I started wearing western clothes, dancing on the streets … I am disappointed,” Sridhar said.






除了吸引大批宝莱坞明星入驻,TikTok也成为了那些渴望成为“社交媒体影响者”(Social Media Influencer)的印度农村青年的首选。一些原本默默无闻的农村青年,通过在TikTok上发布幽默短剧、跳舞片段等短视频内容成为了网红,尝到了“一夜成名”的滋味。

TikTok was a sensation in India. With more than 600 million downloads, India accounted for 30 percent of its 2 billion downloads worldwide. ByteDance planned to invest one billion U.S. dollars in India, its top growth market where it employs 2,000 people.

Unlike Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, TikTok found resonance in India’s hinterland as well as its cities, thanks to its less elaborate user interface, background music options and various special effects. Users – who ranged from top Bollywood stars to people in remote villages who became mini-celebrities – posted a wide variety of content.


在TikTok 被列上政府“禁用清单”后,一些TikTok博主发布视频内容表达了不满,声称印度政府的这一做法让“他们一夜之间失去了所有。” 还有一些则宣布“转战”Instagram 和 YouTube平台,以防止粉丝流失。


Chingari应用的联合创始人苏米特·戈什(Sumit Ghosh)6月30日还发推特表示,产品服务器因下载量过大而崩溃。


After India imposed the ban but just before the app went blank, many TikTok users posted videos expressing their displeasure. Some told their followers to track their future posts on YouTube or Instagram.

Indian video-creation apps like Roposo, described on Google’s app store as “India’s own video app”, and another named Chingari are likely to see a popularity surge after the TikTok ban.




China said on Tuesday that India’s move to ban 59 Chinese-origin mobile apps could be a breach of World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, and urged New Delhi to create an open and fair business environment.