Background: I work with a system that posts tweets from the same account, but for different people, and then gets the analytics for those tweets. One of the analytics is a retweets count.
Current Implementation: I get all the tweet IDs for a certain user and send a request for each ID. With the Rest API I have 200 or 350 requests per hour. When user has too many tweets posted (and with this system number of tweets can reach 100-200 very fast), the requests get blocked due to the limits of the Rest API - I have 200 or 350 requests per hour. So if user hits too many tweets, he won't be able to get his analytics and will block that availability for others as well.
Question: Is there a way to send a request to Twitter with a list of Tweets IDs and receive a list of retweeters information for each of the IDs?
UPD: basically I need something like GET statuses / user_timeline, but for certain IDs...
UPD2: there is also GET statuses / lookup, but it doesn't return retweeters.