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Sharing a video you saw on Twitter doesn’t require you to retweet the original tweet’s message or replies. Instead, you can embed the video in your own tweet while still providing credit and a link to the uploader. Here’s how.

共享您在Twitter上看到的视频不需要重推原始推文的消息或回复 。 取而代之的是,您可以将视频嵌入自己的推文中,同时仍然提供积分和指向上传者的链接。 这是如何做。

It’s possible to share someone else’s Twitter video using the social network’s mobile apps and the web client. The process is easiest on the iPhone, but it’s still possible on Android and Twitter’s desktop website.

可以使用社交网络的移动应用程序和Web客户端共享他人的Twitter视频。 该过程在iPhone上最简单,但在Android和Twitter的桌面网站上仍然可以实现。

从iPhone分享Twitter视频 (Share Twitter Videos from iPhone)

Start by opening the Twitter app on your iPhone and then finding a tweet that includes a video. Next, press and hold on the video.

首先打开iPhone上的Twitter应用 ,然后找到包含视频的推文。 接下来,按住视频。

Several options should appear in a pop-up menu. Tap on the “Tweet Video” button.

几个选项应出现在弹出菜单中。 点击“ Tweet Video”按钮。

Next, compose your tweet, ensuring that the original tweet’s URL was automatically added to the text box. When you’re ready to share your message and the video, select the “Tweet” button.

接下来,撰写您的推文,确保原始推文的URL已自动添加到文本框中。 准备好共享消息和视频时,请选择“ Tweet”按钮。

Your tweet has now been shared with your followers. When viewed, you should see a “From” link below the video that takes you to the original uploader’s Twitter profile when tapped.

现在,您的推文已与您的关注者共享。 观看时,您应该在视频下方看到“发件人”链接,点击该链接后,您会转到原始上传者的Twitter个人资料。

从Android分享Twitter视频 (Share Twitter Videos from Android)

The process for sharing a Twitter video on Android is similar to the iPhone’s, but it requires a couple of extra steps.


Begin by opening the Twitter app on your Android device and locating a tweet with a video embedded. Next, tap on the Share button found below the “Retweets” and “Likes” section.

首先在Android设备上打开Twitter应用,然后找到嵌入了视频的推文。 接下来,点击“转推”和“喜欢”部分下方的“共享”按钮。

From the menu that slides up from the bottom of the screen, select the “Copy Link to Tweet” option. The tweet’s URL has now been saved to your device’s clipboard.

从屏幕底部向上滑动的菜单中,选择“将链接复制到推文”选项。 推文的URL现在已保存到设备的剪贴板中。

Now, head back to the Twitter app’s home page and tap the Compose button in the bottom-right corner.


Compose a message and then paste the copied URL to the Twitter video by long-pressing on the screen and selecting the “Paste” button from the context menu that appears.


Now comes the tricky part. Tap on your screen to move your cursor to the end of the URL. Next, type and add “/video/1” to the tail end of the URL. You’re now all set to select the “Tweet” button.

现在是棘手的部分。 点击屏幕上的将光标移到URL的末尾。 接下来,键入“ / video / 1”并将其添加到URL的末尾。 现在,您都已准备好选择“ Tweet”按钮。

You have now shared the video with all of your followers without having to retweet the original tweet. When you go and view your tweet, you will find a “From” link that sources the video’s uploader.

现在,您已经与所有关注者共享了该视频,而无需转发原始推文。 当您查看推文时,将找到一个“发件人”链接,该链接可提供视频的上传者。

从网络共享Twitter视频 (Share Twitter Videos from the Web)

Adding a Twitter video to your next tweet using your computer is almost identical to the Android process.


Start by visiting Twitter’s website and finding a tweet with a video that you want to share. From there, click on the Share button.

首先访问Twitter的网站,然后找到包含您要分享的视频的推文。 从那里,单击共享按钮。

Next, select the “Copy Link To Tweet” option to save the tweet’s URL to your computer’s clipboard.


Head back to Twitter’s home page and then compose a tweet using the box near the top of the window. Now, paste the tweet’s URL. You can do this by right-clicking in the box and selecting the “Paste” option, using the Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut on Windows, or hitting Cmd+P on Mac.

回到Twitter的主页,然后使用窗口顶部附近的框撰写一条推文。 现在,粘贴推文的URL。 您可以通过右键单击框并选择“粘贴”选项来执行此操作,在Windows上使用Ctrl + P键盘快捷键,或者在Mac上单击Cmd + P。

As with on Android, you’ll now need to add “/video/1” to the tail end of the pasted tweet URL. When everything looks good, click the “Tweet” button.

与在Android上一样,您现在需要在粘贴的tweet URL的末尾添加“ / video / 1”。 当一切看起来不错时,单击“ Tweet”按钮。

You have now tweeted with the Twitter video embedded in your tweet. The original uploader’s Twitter account can be viewed and accessed by clicking on the link found below the video.

您现在已经在推文中发布了推文中嵌入的Twitter视频。 单击视频下方的链接,可以查看和访问原始上传者的Twitter帐户。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668753/how-to-embed-someones-twitter-video-without-retweeting-them/

摄像头取流转发 嵌入式系统