在万圣节,感恩节接踵来临之际,多款社交游戏在用户数量上仍然呈现下降趋势,许多老牌社交游戏用户数量下滑上百万。在Inside Social Games 12月1日的公布的Facebook前25位社交游戏列表中出现了几个新面孔。

在本次的排行榜中,由于最近Facebook社交游戏平台涌入了大量社交游戏。因此我们在排行过程中移除了类似Quiz Planet或Birthday Cards等“类游戏”应用。从总体上看,由于许多热门游戏采用了广告宣传和跨游戏宣传等方式,因此这类游戏仍以月活跃用户的绝对优势高居榜上。
1,社交游戏巨头公司Zynga旗下6款游戏仍然名列排行榜前6位,其中以FarmVille位居榜首。然而从游戏的月活跃数量来看,除了FrontierVille玩家上升8万以外,FarmVille,Mafia Wars和Cafe World等三款游戏的月活跃用户下降超200万。
2,紧接Zynga之后的是Digital Chocolate公司最热门游戏Millionaire City,该游戏以将近80万的增长用户在排行榜上提升了2个名次,位列第7.
4,排名第十的是MindJolt Games。该款游戏在11月用户下降120万,但目前排名仍然相对稳定。
5,上个月,CrowdStar旗下的两款老牌游戏Happy Acquarium和Happy Pets的月活跃用户同样呈下降趋势。目前分别排名第11位和第17位的两款游戏用户数分别下降120万和80万。
6,排名第13的是RockYou公司的Zoo World。该游戏凭借48万的新用户,目前月活跃用户总计为810万。
7,Cie Games旗下Car Town上月的月活跃用户激增110万,总计达到720万。
8,Funzio公司的Crime City上个月以350万新增月活跃用户位居所有游戏增长收为,该款游戏目前月活跃用户为660万。
9,由50 Cubes开发的女性向游戏Mall World上月也表现不俗,以44万9235的月活跃用户位于排行榜21位。
As with last year, the holiday slowdown is underway, but while numbers seem to drop around this season, the decline of monthly active users over the past few months have already been quite high — Especially bad last month, many of the older running titles are still losing users in the millions. That said, December 1st has revealed a few new faces on the Top 25 as well as the rise of fresher titles in general, including the still growing Millionaire City, Car Town, and Crime City.
Looking at the top 25 also obscures the bigger stories of the year. Developers of all sizes, including the owners of the apps you see here, have greatly improved monetization regardless of growth. And hundreds of smaller apps have been growing more than ever, as we’ve covered in detail here.
With more and more social games increasing their sophistication and production quality in terms of play, storytelling, and overall engagement, such will no doubt continue to grow whereas the older titles will experience the natural decline of age.
And a note before we get started with the details: with so many new social games appearing on the Facebook platform – from both large and small developers – we’ve since removed the “game-like” applications, such as Quiz Planet and Birthday Cards to make room. Even still, the top titles will likely remain where they are on an MAU-basis simply due to larger advertising budgets, cross promotions and other efforts.
Here are the highlights for the Top 25 Facebook Games for December 2010:
* As expected, Zynga remains on top of the list with six of its titles, leading the way with FarmVille. However, all save FrontierVille (having gained around 88,000 MAU) have lost over 1 million MAU, with FarmVille, Mafia Wars, and Cafe World losing well over 2 million.
* In after Zynga, at #7, is Digital Chocolate and their highly successful real estate game, Millionaire City. Having moved up another two rankings, the title gains over 800,000 MAU.
* PopCap also sees positive growth with its, now older, title Bejeweled Blitz. Currently, the game hosts around 11.8 million MAU.
* Once again, MindJolt Games finds itself fluctuating around the middle of the pack, having lost 1.2 million users this month. Nevertheless, it’s a title that has long remained stable in its position.
* CrowdStar is seeing declines as well in its long running Happy Acquarium and Happy Pets. At #11 and #17, the titles have lost approximately 1.2 million and 800,000 MAU respectively.
* Zoo World from RockYou comes in at #13, and is yet another game experiencing growth. With about 480,000 new users, its MAU count totals out at about 8.1 million.
* Cie Games sees the second largest growth this month with Car Town. Boasting 7.2 million MAU, the app had gained over 1.1 million new users.
* It was Funzio’s Crime City, however, that saw the biggest numbers. With around 6.6 million users, its MAU growth was a tremendous 3.5 million.
* Girls-only-game Mall World also makes an appearence this month. Developed by 50 Cubes, the title gains 449,235 MAU to come in at #21.
* Rounding out the list is the return of Wooga’s Bubble Island with an 800,000 MAU gain, followed by the title Ninja Saga, who loses a little over 300,000 MAU. (Source:Inside Social Games)