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软餐获悉,Instagram 应用程序已允许全球用户从公共帐户上下载 Reels 短视频。之前该功能已率先在美国提供,现在扩展到全球范围。该功能允许用户下载视频以供离线观看或与好友分享。用户下载的 Reels 短视频将带有创作者账号水印。要在 Instagram 上下载 Reel 短视频,可以点击 “分享” 按钮,从底部的选项中选择 “下载” 即可。创作者可以设置禁止下载他们的视频。
[Instagram has globally introduced the Reels short video download feature] The Instagram application now allows global users to download Reels short videos from public accounts. This feature was initially rolled out in the United States and has now been expanded worldwide. It enables users to download videos for offline viewing or sharing with friends. Downloaded Reels short videos will contain the watermark of the creator’s account. To download Reels short videos on Instagram, users can tap the “Share” button and select “Download” from the options at the bottom. Creators have the option to disable downloads of their videos.