
Account security is important—not just for online shopping and bank accounts, but your social accounts too. The damage someone could do to your personal and professional life can be devastating. Just like any other important account, you have to take the proper precautions to make sure you’re the only one with access.

帐户安全很重要-不仅对于在线购物和银行帐户,而且对于您的社交帐户也很重要。 某人可能对您的个人和职业生活造成的破坏是毁灭性的。 与其他重要帐户一样,您也必须采取适当的预防措施,以确保自己是唯一拥有访问权限的帐户。

Update:  Twitter just announced that they stored everybody’s passwords in plain text on their servers and we’re probably going to find out that somebody has a file with everybody’s password at some point. So…. you should change your password. And enable two-factor authentication, which prevents anybody from logging in as you, even if they steal your password or Twitter just starts printing off our passwords and mailing them to random people.

更新: Twitter 刚刚宣布他们将每个人的密码以纯文本格式存储在其服务器上,我们很可能会发现某个人某个时刻带有每个人的密码的文件。 所以…。 您应该更改密码。 并启用两因素身份验证,这可以防止任何人以您的身份登录,即使他们窃取了您的密码,或者Twitter刚开始打印出我们的密码并将其邮寄给随机的人。

A few weeks ago, I got a mention on Twitter from a very close friend of mine. It was a crude tweet with a link—something he would never do. I immediately jumped over to his profile to see that these sort of tweets had been happening for a couple of days, and there were a lot of them. Given the nature of his job, I knew this was bad. I called him up to let him know what was happening, and he took care of the situation quickly.

几周前,我的一个密友在Twitter上提到了我。 这是一条带有链接的粗略推文,这是他永远不会做的事情。 我立即跳到他的个人资料上,看到这类推文已经发生了几天,而且其中有很多 。 考虑到他的工作性质,我知道这很糟糕。 我打电话给他,让他知道发生了什么,然后他Swift处理了情况。

This is just one of many scenarios that can play out if you don’t properly secure your social accounts. Let’s talk about how to make sure this doesn’t happen to your Twitter account, shall we?

如果您没有适当地保护自己的社交帐户,这只是可能出现的众多情况之一。 让我们谈谈如何确保您的 Twitter帐户不会发生这种情况, 对吧?

While you can do most of the stuff we’re going to talk about today from the Twitter app, we’ll be covering most of this stuff from the web.


Like with most, you’re going to want to start in your Twitter Account Settings. There are a few areas to focus on here, starting with your first line of defense: your password.

与大多数其他应用程序一样,您将要在Twitter帐户设置中开始 。 从第一道防线即您的密码开始,有几个区域需要重点关注。

选择一个强密码 (Choose a Strong Password)

I know you’ve heard it all before, but I’m going to be the guy that keeps saying it until you listen: you have to use a strong password. This is not an option—if it’s easy for anyone you know to guess, it’s not strong! If all it takes is for someone to learn a little bit about you—favorite colors, pet names, children’s names or birthdays, etc.—to guess your password, then it’s a no go. I get it, those are the easiest to remember. I know. But they’re also the most insecure.

我知道您之前已经听说过,但我要一直坚持下去,直到您听完为止: 您必须使用一个强密码 。 这不是一个选择–如果您认识的人很容易猜到,那就不算强大! 如果只需要某人学习一些有关您的信息(喜欢的颜色,宠物的名字,孩子的名字或生日等)来猜测您的密码,那是行不通的。 我明白了,那些是最容易记住的。 我知道。 但是它们也是最不安全的。

Of course, the more secure your password, the harder it is to remember. To that end, you really should use a password manager. I’ve been using LastPass for years—it has every password I actively use stored behind its locked doors, and it’s great. I remember my primary LastPass password, and it does the rest for me. It generates secure passwords and remembers them so I don’t have to.

当然,密码越安全,记住的难度就越大。 为此,您确实应该使用密码管理器 。 我已经使用LastPass多年了,它把我经常使用的每个密码都存储在锁着的门里,非常棒。 我记得我的主要LastPass密码,其余的都由我完成。 它会生成安全密码并记住它们,因此我不必这样做。

Once you’ve committed to a lifestyle of secure passwords, it’s time to change that crummy Twitter password of yours. From Twitter’s Account Settings page, click on “Password.”

一旦您致力于安全密码的生活方式,就该更改您自己的那个笨拙的Twitter密码了。 在Twitter的“帐户设置”页面上,单击“密码”。

You’ll first have to input your old password, the choose a new one. If you set up LastPass (or any other password generator), I’d just let it do its thing here. When you’re finished, just click “Save changes.”

首先,您需要输入旧密码,然后选择一个新密码。 如果您设置了LastPass(或任何其他密码生成器),我将在这里让它完成它的工作。 完成后,只需点击“保存更改”。

Good job, you’re now one step closer to having a safe account.


使用SMS两因素身份验证 (Use SMS Two-Factor Authentication)

Your second line of security is two-step authentication, which is also often called Two-Factor Authentication (or 2FA for short). Twitter actually simplifies this even more, just calling the feature “Login verification”

安全性的第二行是两步身份验证,通常也称为“两因素身份验证”(或简称为2FA)。 Twitter实际上将其进一步简化了,只是称其为“登录验证”功能

Basically, this means that whenever you (or anyone else) tries to log in to your Twitter account, it will also require a unique code that is sent to your phone number, or a third party 2FA service. Of course it doesn’t help a whole lot if someone has your phone, but at that point you have a lot more to worry about than just Twitter.

基本上,这意味着每当您(或任何其他人)尝试登录您的Twitter帐户时,它也需要发送到您的电话号码或第三方2FA服务的唯一代码。 当然,如果有人拥有您的电话并没有太大帮助,但是到那时,您不仅要担心Twitter,还要担心得多。

To set up login verification, head to your Twitter preferences, which will take you to that “Account” section. Look for the “Security” and you should see a “Set Up Login Verification” button.

要设置登录验证,请转到您的Twitter偏好设置,这将带您进入“帐户”部分。 查找“安全性”,您应该看到“设置登录验证”按钮。

Click that box. A popup will show up, allowing you to set the feature up.

单击该框。 将显示一个弹出窗口,允许您设置功能。

Click start here, then put in your password.


The next page will ask you to verify your phone number—click “Send code” once you’ve verified that the number is correct.


Within a few seconds, you should get a code sent to your phone. Input that code into the next screen to confirm.

几秒钟之内,您应该会收到一条发送到手机的验证码。 在下一个屏幕中输入该代码以进行确认。

After you input the code, it will let you know that login verification is enabled on your account and offer backup codes. If you don’t do this now, you can always get them later by accessing Settings > Security and Privacy again.

输入密码后,它将告知您帐户已启用登录验证并提供备用密码。 如果您现在不执行此操作,则以后总是可以通过再次访问“设置”>“安全性和隐私”来获取它们。

Once Login Requests has been enabled, a new option will also show up: Generate app password. Essentially, this will create a temporary password that you can use to log in to Twitter on new devices or in apps. The temporary password will expire after one hour, making this a nice security feature for quick logins.

启用登录请求后,还将显示一个新选项:生成应用程序密码。 本质上,这将创建一个临时密码,您可以使用该密码在新设备或应用程序上登录Twitter。 临时密码将在一小时后过期,这使它成为快速登录的不错的安全功能。

With everything all set up, head down to the very bottom of the page and click “Save changes.” That’s important!

完成所有设置后,转到页面底部,然后单击“保存更改”。 那很重要!

使用基于应用程序的两因素身份验证 (Use Application-Based Two Factor Authentication)

Twitter defaults to texting you verification codes, but SMS-based two factor authentication is insecure for many reasons. Happily Twitter now supports third party verification applications, such as Authy. These tools have a better security track record than SMS, and we recommend you use one.

Twitter默认向您发短信给您验证码,但是基于SMS的两因素身份验证由于许多原因是不安全的。 幸运的是,Twitter现在支持第三方验证应用程序,例如Authy 。 与SMS相比,这些工具具有更好的安全记录,我们建议您使用其中一种。

To get started up you will first need to set up SMS based two factor authentication, so follow the instructions above. Head back to the “Account” section in your Twitter settings and the button you pressed before will now be labeled “Review your login verification methods.”

要开始使用,您首先需要设置基于两因素身份验证的SMS,因此请按照上面的说明进行操作。 返回到Twitter设置中的“帐户”部分,您之前按下的按钮将被标记为“查看您的登录验证方法”。

Click the button again and you’ll be brought to the page outlining your login verification methods.


Click the “Set Up” link next to “Mobile security app” and the process will begin.


Click “Start” and you’ll be given a QR code to scan with the mobile 2FA application of your choice.


How to do this will vary depending on your 2FA application, but in Authy it’s as simple as tapping the menu followed by “Add New Account,” then following the instructions.


Scan the code and you’re done. We recommend disabling text message verification after setting this up, in order to fully protect yourself from SMS’s security shortcomings.

扫描代码即可完成。 我们建议在设置此功能后禁用短信验证,以完全保护自己免受SMS的安全性缺陷的影响。

要求输入密码重置个人信息 (Require Personal Information with a Password Reset)

In the same menu where you set up Login Requests, there’s another option you’ll probably want to enable as well: “Require personal information to reset my password”.


When you tick this box, Twitter will require personal information from you before allowing the password to be reset. This will essentially help prevent would-be wrongdoers from jacking your account by resetting your password.

当您勾选此框时,Twitter将要求您提供个人信息,然后才能重置密码。 从本质上讲,这将通过重置密码来帮助防止可能的不法分子劫持您的帐户。

Once you’ve ticked that little box, hit the “Save changes” button on the bottom of the page.


密切关注联网应用 (Keep an Eye on Connected Apps)

Like with other accounts—Google, Facebook, etc.—you can use Twitter to log in to other apps and services. This is a very simple way of gaining access to specific services quickly and easily—especially ones that will ultimately be able to post Tweets to your account.

与其他帐户(如Google,Facebook等)一样,您可以使用Twitter登录到其他应用程序和服务。 这是一种快速简便地访问特定服务的方法,尤其是最终可以将推文发布到您的帐户的方法。

But over time, you may stop using these apps. That’s why it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on what you’ve granted access to. If you no longer use that app or service, revoke its access. No point in giving access to something you don’t use!

但是随着时间的流逝,您可能会停止使用这些应用程序。 这就是为什么始终关注授予的访问权限始终是一个好主意的原因。 如果您不再使用该应用程序或服务,请撤消其访问权限。 授予访问不使用的内容的权限!

To this, click the “Apps” entry on your Account Settings page. It’s closer to the bottom of the page.

为此,请在“帐户设置”页面上单击“应用程序”条目。 它更接近页面底部。

Just go through the list—if you see something obsolete, just click the “Revoke access” button. Repeat this process for any apps you don’t use. I’d come back and check this list once every few months too, just to keep it clean.

只需查看列表即可-如果发现过时,只需单击“撤消访问权限”按钮。 对您不使用的所有应用重复此过程。 我也会每隔几个月再检查一次此列表,以保持其清洁。

If you happen to accidentally click “revoke” on an app you still use, a “Undo Revoke Access” is at the ready for you. That’s convenient.

如果您不小心在仍在使用的应用程序上单击“撤消”,则可以使用“撤消撤消访问权限”。 那很方便

While there a handful of other areas in Twitter’s Accounts Settings that you may also want to take a closer look at—notifications, for example—they don’t necessarily directly correlate with securing your account. Making it less annoying? Sure. But not securing.

尽管在Twitter的“帐户设置”中还有其他几个方面,您可能还希望仔细研究一下(例如,通知),但它们不一定与保护帐户安全直接相关。 减轻烦恼吗? 当然。 但是不安全。

What we’ve covered here today, however, is the brick and mortar of making sure your account is as safe and secure as it can be.


