WordPress is used by millions of non-English websites around the world. You can use WordPress to create a website in any language that you want.

WordPress已被全球数百万个非英语网站使用。 您可以使用WordPress以所需的任何语言创建网站。

However, WordPress does not come with the built-in capability to create a multilingual websites. Luckily, there are some powerful WordPress translation plugins that allow you to easily add multilingual content to your site.

但是,WordPress不具备创建多语言网站的内置功能。 幸运的是,有一些功能强大的WordPress翻译插件,可让您轻松地将多语言内容添加到您的网站。

In this article, we will show you the best WordPress translation plugins that you can use to create multilingual websites. We will take a look at their features, pros and cons, to help you pick the best option for your website.

在本文中,我们将向您展示最好的WordPress翻译插件,可用于创建多语言网站。 我们将介绍它们的功能和优缺点,以帮助您选择适合您网站的最佳选择。

选择翻译插件来创建多语言WordPress网站 (Choosing a Translation Plugin to Create Multilingual WordPress Websites)

Most beginners don’t know that you can install WordPress in your own language and use it to make websites in any language.


With the help of plugins, you can create bilingual or multilingual websites. You can even allow your users to translate content using Google Translate.

借助插件,您可以创建双语或多语言网站。 您甚至可以允许您的用户使用Google翻译翻译内容。

While there are many translation plugins available for WordPress, they can be characterized in two main categories.


    WordPress multilingual pluginsWordPress多语言插件 Automated WordPress translation plugins自动化的WordPress翻译插件

The multilingual plugins allow you to manually add multilingual content to your website. The main benefit of these plugins is the quality of your translations will be significantly better than any machine-generated online translation tools.

多语言插件可让您手动将多语言内容添加到您的网站。 这些插件的主要优点是您的翻译质量将比任何机器生成的在线翻译工具都要好得多。

The second type of WordPress translation plugins are the ones that use online translation services to translate your content. These plugins don’t require you to write content in multiple languages, but the quality of translations is not as good as it can be.

WordPress翻译插件的第二种类型是使用在线翻译服务翻译您的内容的插件。 这些插件不需要您用多种语言编写内容,但是翻译质量却不尽人意。

That being said, let’s look at the best WordPress multilingual plugins and automated translation plugins.


最好的WordPress多语言插件 (Best WordPress Multilingual Plugins)

Unlike automated WordPress translation plugins, these multilingual plugins allow you to manually translate every aspect of your website including content, theme, plugins, and more.


Following are our top picks for the best WordPress multilingual plugins to easily translate your entire website.


1. TranslatePress (1. TranslatePress)

TranslatePress is a full-fledged WordPress multilingual plugin to translate every aspect of your website. The main feature of TranslatePress is that it allows you to translate directly from the front-end.

TranslatePress是功能完善的WordPress多语言插件,可翻译您网站的各个方面。 TranslatePress的主要功能是允许您直接从前端进行翻译。

You can easily switch languages during the translation, and the live preview will change instantly. Another benefit of this approach is that you can translate content, theme, plugins, and even meta-data without changing the interface.

您可以在翻译过程中轻松切换语言,实时预览会立即更改。 这种方法的另一个好处是,您可以在不更改界面的情况下转换内容,主题,插件,甚至元数据。

TranslatePress is perfect for manual translations. You can translate yourself or assign the custom translator user role to any user on your site. These users will be able to translate content without access to the admin area.

TranslatePress非常适合手动翻译。 您可以翻译自己或将自定义翻译用户角色分配给您网站上的任何用户。 这些用户将能够翻译内容,而无需访问管理区域。

If manual translations sound like a lot of work, then you can also use Google Translate for machine translations. This approach allows you to use AI-powered translations with manual corrections.

如果手动翻译听起来很繁琐,那么您也可以使用Google Translate进行机器翻译。 这种方法使您可以将AI驱动的翻译与手动更正结合使用。

The plugin creates SEO friendly URLs for all languages, which gives you a boost in local SEO results.


To learn more, see our guide on how to easily translate WordPress with TranslatePress.

要了解更多信息,请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何使用TranslatePress轻松翻译WordPress 。

Pricing: Starting from €79 for personal license.


2. WPML (2. WPML)

WPML is one of the most popular WordPress multilingual plugin. It comes with a powerful translation management system that allows you to translate content, themes, plugins, and more.

WPML是最流行的WordPress多语言插件之一。 它带有功能强大的翻译管理系统,可让您翻译内容,主题,插件等。

WPML comes in Multilingual blog and Multilingual CMS licensing plans. You’ll need the multilingual CMS plan for eCommerce, page builder support, custom fields, managing translation teams, and some other features.

WPML包含在多语言博客和多语言CMS授权计划中。 您将需要用于电子商务的多语言CMS计划,页面构建器支持,自定义字段,管理翻译团队以及其他一些功能。

It comes with an easy to use interface to add translations and manage multilingual content across your website. WPML supports all post types, taxonomies, custom fields, and strings generated by your WordPress themes and plugins.

它带有易于使用的界面,可在您的网站上添加翻译并管理多语言内容。 WPML支持您的WordPress主题和插件生成的所有帖子类型,分类法,自定义字段和字符串。

It also allows you to connect your website to third-party translation service providers. You can select which content needs to be translated and get it submitted directly to your website.

它还允许您将您的网站连接到第三方翻译服务提供商。 您可以选择需要翻译的内容,然后将其直接提交到您的网站。

For detailed instructions, see our step by step guide on how to create a multilingual WordPress site with WPML.


Pricing: $29 for Multilingual Blog version and $79 for Multilingual CMS.

定价:多语言博客版本29美元,多语言CMS 79美元。

3. Polylang (3. Polylang)

Polylang is another powerful plugin to easily create a multilingual or bilingual WordPress site. It comes with a simple interface to easily add translations for your posts, pages, custom post types, widgets, and more.

Polylang是另一个功能强大的插件,可轻松创建多语言或双语WordPress网站。 它带有一个简单的界面,可轻松为您的帖子,页面,自定义帖子类型,小部件等添加翻译。

Polylang does not come with support to translate your WordPress theme and plugins. The default plugin doesn’t include eCommerce support, so you will need to purchase a paid addon for that.

Polylang不支持翻译WordPress主题和插件。 默认插件不包含电子商务支持,因此您需要为此购买付费插件。

It allows you to setup SEO friendly URLs for each language, and it works well with popular WordPress SEO plugins. For language selection, you can add the language switcher to your website using a sidebar widget.

它允许您为每种语言设置SEO友好的URL,并且可以与流行的WordPress SEO插件配合使用 。 对于语言选择,您可以使用侧边栏小部件将语言切换器添加到您的网站。

For more details, see our tutorial on how to create a multilingual WordPress site with Polylang.

有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何使用Polylang创建多语言WordPress网站的教程 。

Pricing: The base plugin is free. You can get Pro version for €99 with a single site license.

定价:基本插件是免费的。 您只需购买一个站点许可证,即可获得€99的Pro版本。

4. Weglot (4. Weglot)

Weglot is a cloud-based website translation platform. It works with WordPress, Shopify, BigCommerce, and more.

Weglot是基于云的网站翻译平台。 它可与WordPress, Shopify , BigCommerce等一起使用。

During the setup, you will need to enter Weglot API to connect your WordPress site to their platform. After that, you will choose your preferred language, site language, and the languages you want to add.

在安装过程中,您将需要输入Weglot API将WordPress网站连接到他们的平台。 之后,您将选择首选的语言,站点语言以及要添加的语言。

You will have to use Weglot’s website to translate all your content, manage translations, and push them to your live website.


Other notable features include SEO friendly URL support, WooCommerce support, language switcher button, third-party translation services, and more.


Weglot uses a monthly pricing structure based on the number of languages and translated words. This may make it more expensive for you than some other multilingual WordPress plugins which come with a fixed yearly license.

Weglot使用基于语言和翻译单词数量的每月定价结构。 这可能会比其他一些具有固定年度许可证的多语言WordPress插件贵。

Pricing: Starting from €8.25 / month for 1 language and 10,000 Words. Their popular PRO plan supports unlimited languages and 200,000 words for €41 per month.

定价:一种语言和10,000个单词的价格从€8.25 /月起。 他们流行的PRO计划支持无限的语言和200,000词,每月41欧元。

5.多语言新闻 (5. MultilingualPress)

MultilingualPress takes a slightly different approach to create multilingual websites with WordPress. Instead of running on a normal WordPress install, it uses the built-in WordPress multisite network for each language.

MultilingualPress采用略有不同的方法来使用WordPress创建多语言网站。 它没有在正常的WordPress安装上运行,而是为每种语言使用内置的WordPress多站点网络 。

This allows the plugin to efficiently manage content for each language while improving performance by loading one language at a time. It comes with an easy interface to manage your translations from a single dashboard.

这使该插件可以有效地管理每种语言的内容,同时通过一次加载一种语言来提高性能。 它带有一个简单的界面,可从单个仪表板管理翻译。

It supports posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, and more. Due to its architecture, each language can be on its own subdomain, directory, or even a custom domain name.

它支持帖子,页面,自定义帖子类型,分类法等。 由于其体系结构,每种语言都可以位于其自己的子域,目录甚至自定义域名中 。

Pricing: Starting from $199 / year for a single multisite license.


最好的WordPress翻译插件 (Best WordPress Translation Plugins)

These plugins allow you to translate your website using automated translation services or by manually providing translations for some parts of your website.


6.用GTranslate翻译WordPress (6. Translate WordPress with GTranslate)

Translate WordPress with GTranslate is a Google Translation plugin for WordPress. It automatically connects to Google translate API and can fetch translations for any supported languages.

使用GTranslate翻译WordPress是WordPress的Google翻译插件。 它会自动连接到Google翻译API,并可以获取所有受支持语言的翻译。

It allows you to add a language switcher to easily translate your web pages, or you can automatically translate content based on user’s browser language.


The plugin offers a paid version as well which allows you to choose SEO friendly URLs and let search engines index your translated content (more on this later in the article).


7. Transposh WordPress翻译 (7. Transposh WordPress Translation)

Transposh combines automated machine translations with manual human translations. You can also allow your website visitors to contribute translations with an easy to use in-context interface.

Transposh将自动机器翻译与手动人工翻译结合在一起。 您还可以允许您的网站访问者使用易于使用的上下文内界面来提供翻译。

The plugin allows you to hire professional translation services to submit translations. Transposh’s automated translation feature supports Google, Bing, Yandex, and Apertium translation services.

该插件可让您聘请专业翻译服务来提交翻译。 Transposh的自动翻译功能支持Google,Bing,Yandex和Apertium的翻译服务。

8. Google网站翻译器 (8. Google Website Translator)

Google Website Translator plugin allows you to use Google Translate API to translate your website content. It uses the default Google translate button which you can display anywhere on your website.

Google Website Translator插件可让您使用Google Translate API来翻译您的网站内容。 它使用默认的Google翻译按钮,您可以将其显示在网站上的任何位置。

You can select the languages you want to show in the language switcher, which can be displayed using the sidebar widget or an inline shortcode.


The shortcode feature allows you to offer machine translations for specific pages as needed. The translated page will be visible to users when they select the language or the plugin detects it via their browser settings.

短码功能使您可以根据需要为特定页面提供机器翻译。 当用户选择语言或插件通过其浏览器设置检测到翻译后的页面时,该页面将对用户可见。

9.机车翻译 (9. Loco Translate)

Loco Translate is slightly different than other translation plugins in the list. It basically allows you to translate WordPress themes and plugins.

Loco Translate与列表中的其他翻译插件略有不同。 它基本上允许您翻译WordPress主题和插件。

If your WordPress theme or plugin is translation-ready, then you can use Loco Translate to translate it inside the WordPress dashboard. It uses a simple user interface similar to popular translation tools with one column for original strings and the other for translation.

如果您的WordPress主题或插件支持翻译 ,那么您可以使用Loco Translate在WordPress仪表板中对其进行翻译。 它使用类似于流行翻译工具的简单用户界面,其中一列用于原始字符串,另一列用于翻译。

For more details, see our guide on how to translate a WordPress plugin.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何翻译WordPress插件的指南 。

我们精选的最佳WordPress多语言插件 (Our Pick of the Best WordPress Multilingual Plugin)

If you are looking for a multilingual WordPress plugin to manually translate content on your website, then we recommend using TranslatePress.

如果您正在寻找一种多语言WordPress插件来手动翻译您网站上的内容,那么我们建议您使用TranslatePress 。

It is extremely beginner friendly and quite easy to use even for users with no experience of running multilingual websites. It is optimized for SEO and performance, two features that would benefit your business in the long run.

即使对于没有运行多语言网站经验的用户,它也非常适合初学者,并且非常易于使用。 它针对SEO和性能进行了优化,这两项功能从长远来看将使您的业务受益。

For automatic WordPress translations, we recommend using Translate WordPress with Gtranslate plugin. It is easy to use and even the free version is quite good for automtic translations.

对于自动WordPress翻译,我们建议使用带有Gtranslate插件的Translate WordPress 。 它易于使用,甚至免费版本也非常适合自动翻译。

Should I allow search engines to index automated machine translations?


Some translation plugins allow you to make automatic translations available for search engines to index.


These machine translations are not very good. They can be odd and even misleading at times. Allowing search engines to index this low-quality content is a bad idea. Google can identify such content and will consider it as spam which would damage your website’s search rankings.

这些机器翻译不是很好。 它们有时可能是奇怪的,甚至是误导的。 允许搜索引擎将这种低质量的内容编入索引不是一个好主意。 Google可以识别此类内容,并将其视为垃圾邮件,这会损害您网站的搜索排名。

However for manual site translations, yes you should definitely let Google index your translated versions, so you can rank higher in local SEO.


We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress translation plugins for your multilingual website. You may also want to see our practical tips on how to increase your website traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您的多语言网站的最佳WordPress翻译插件。 您可能还想查看有关如何增加网站流量的实用技巧。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/9-best-translation-plugins-for-wordpress-websites/