You may have watched a Facebook live video of your favorite influencers at some point in your life on social media. But have you considered using Facebook Live to sell your products? It’s a great way to connect with potential customers, give them a behind-the-scenes look at your business, and increase sales in the process. 加, you can make it a fun and interactive experience that they’re sure to remember!
在这篇博文中, we’ll introduce you to live shopping on Facebook and explain how to feature products in your live video. Let’s find out how to make the most of this tool!
What Is Live Shopping?
To understand what live stream shopping is, you need to know what live streaming is. Live streaming is when a video is broadcasted in real-time, without being recorded first.
Live streaming is popular because of its interactive nature. 观众可以通过聊天室直接与演示者和其他观众交流,提出问题并分享意见.
Facebook 上的直播视频示例
直播不仅被影响者和游戏玩家使用, 但它也受到在线分享知识的专家的欢迎. 最近, 在线卖家加入了这一趋势并开始直播购物 - 使用直播视频分享他们销售的商品, 他们是如何做到的, 以及品牌背后的故事.
在 2020, 冠状病毒大流行引发了电子商务的指数级增长. 直播购物是人们购买新产品最显着的趋势之一.
根据 政治家, 通过直播购物的人数比例平均增加了 76% 从冠状病毒大流行之前到期间的全球范围内. 欧洲直播购买量增长最快, 随着购物者的增加 86%. 中东紧随其后 76%, 而北美的使用量激增约 68%.
COVID-19 大流行期间直播购买量的变化 2021 (资源: 政治家)
直播购物将直播的互动性与网购的快感融为一体. 它与直播不同,因为它是专门由商业驱动的. 使用直播购物, 您可以在视频中展示您的产品,同时在直播期间与观众互动.
播客: 什么是直播购物以及为什么需要它来进行在线销售?
什么是 Facebook 直播购物?
Facebook Live 是一款免费工具,Facebook 上的任何人都可以通过移动设备或桌面设备流式传输实时视频. 也是顶级之一 直播购物平台 在美国.
作为企业主, 您可以使用 Facebook Live 与客户联系,同时在实时视频中展示您的产品. 您可以在现实场景中展示您的物品, 将产品细节放在最前面和中心位置, 并直接与您的潜在客户互动.
Facebook 允许您在直播中标记产品. 产品标签包含详细信息和指向您网站的链接. 客户甚至可以直接从您的直播中购买商品! 想象一下,如果组织得当,它可以为您的企业带来什么, 将 Facebook 购物提升到一个全新水平.
Facebook 直播视频中标记的产品 (图片: Facebook)
Facebook 上的直播购物如此受欢迎的原因有很多. 这是最大的好处:
- 它刺激了销售 因为客户可以轻松购买您展示的商品 - 产品链接直接显示在直播视频中. 它展示了现实世界中的产品. 而不是浏览您的网站来了解有关您商品的更多信息, 您的潜在客户可以实时观看您展示的优势. It takes 客户服务 on social media to a whole new level. 您的关注者可以在直播期间轻松与您聊天, 这使得回答他们有关您产品的所有问题, 船运, 支付, and brand easier than ever. It helps build relationships with your audience because you’re not only selling your products, but you’re also providing real-time entertainment. It can be used for collaborations with influencers. Co-host a live video with an influencer in your niche to share your expertise and present your brand to a new audience.
How to Set Up Live Shopping on Facebook
Now that you know the benefits of using Facebook Live for your business, here is how to start with it.
Please note that on April 27, 2023, Meta announced changes to Facebook and Instagram Shops across different regions. See how your Shops on Facebook and Instagram experience may be affected in the 元业务帮助中心.
Before you run your first live shopping video, here’s what you need:
- Set up a Facebook Shop. Sign up with Ecwid and you can create your Facebook Shop by importing and syncing your products. 这是 怎么做. Check that you’re the admin of your Facebook page. Create a product playlist on Facebook. It is a collection of products you want to feature during your live shopping video. Follow these steps to create a product playlist. Ensure that items you want to feature are in your catalog at least three days before your live stream.
Checked all the points above? It’s time for some live shopping!
Here’s how to create a live shopping video with tagged products from your Facebook page:
- On your Facebook page, click “Live”. Turn the “Enable Live Shopping” toggle on the Live Shopping tab. Under “Select a Playlist”, 单击“选择我的播放列表”,然后单击“保存”。 在“发布”下输入视频的标题。 点击“上线”。 单击要向观众展示的产品下的“功能”. 如果您想展示不同的商品, 点击“停止推荐”, 选择新产品, 然后点击“功能”。 完成后点击“结束直播视频”.
当您在 Facebook 上直播购物视频时, 你会看到这个仪表板. 使用它在直播中展示不同的产品:
Facebook 直播购物技巧
确保您和您的客户都喜欢您的现场购物活动, 请记住以下建议.
在活动前几天宣布并宣传您的直播购物视频,以激发潜在客户的兴趣并建立预期. 鼓励观看者关注您的 Facebook 业务页面,以便他们知道您何时上线.
Don’t hesitate to use other channels: announce your live shopping events in your newsletter, in your Instagram posts and stories, and other social media. 或者, invite people to your live streams in related Facebook groups.
Make a Test Run First
Want your first video to be a success? Test your live video beforehand! Change your privacy settings so that only you and the people you choose can see your test live video. Test out your equipment and pay attention to camera angles, volume, and background noise.
Keep Your Environment Organized
Whether you’re presenting live from home, 工作, or at an event like a conference, keeping your surroundings tidy and organized will help give your viewers a good impression of you and your brand.
Ask Someone to Help You
Having someone with you behind the camera during your live stream can be a game-changer. They can assist you with products, 评论, and messages.
If you don’t have a large audience on Facebook, ask a friend or family member to pose questions in comments to create more engagement and encourage other viewers to join the discussion.
Actively Communicate with Viewers
Get your audience involved–that’s the point of a live stream! Let viewers know they can make comments during the video or reach you through Facebook Messenger. Respond to viewers’ comments and reactions as they happen.
Avoid Being Too Sales-y
Being too sales-focused and pushy might annoy your audience, so you need to walk a fine line. Common topics for live shopping are recommendations for new products to try, tips on how to choose the right item, discussion of new trends, or Q&一个.
例如, let’s say you sell face masks. Instead of devoting the whole live video to pitching your masks, tell your audience how to choose the best fitting and comfortable one. 当然, tag your products as examples. You’ll see your Facebook live sales skyrocket!
Save Your Live Streams
Don’t let your hard work disappear! Instead of deleting your live videos, keep them on your timeline to attract a new audience. People can also watch those videos again for more information about products, or find the items they were interested in but didn’t buy right away.
Get Started with Live Shopping
Now you know everything you need to create your first live shopping video on Facebook! Are you as excited as we are?
Just remember that live shopping is all about building relationships with your customers. Focus on your viewers’ needs first, and the sales will follow. With time, you’ll learn new tricks to increase the engagement of your live streams and turn viewers into customers.
Have you already tried live shopping on Facebook or other platforms? Do you want to learn something else about live shopping? Don’t hesitate to share your experience or ask questions in the comments below!
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About The Author Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.