


If you’re interested in technology, you’ve probably heard the buzzword of the moment – "metaverse." The hype around this term may have reached its zenith Thursday, when Facebook announced that it was renaming its portfolio of companies ‘Meta’ to align its businesses with its ambition to build the metaverse.——World Economic Forum如果你对技术感兴趣,你或许听说过广为谈论的流行词——“元宇宙”。周四,Facebook宣布将其公司更名为“Meta”,使其业务符合构建“元宇宙”世界的目标,这个词的热度也随之达到了顶峰。——世界经济论坛
先看第一句话:If you’re interested in technology, you’ve probably heard the buzzword of the moment – "metaverse."
buzzword 指“新词、潮流词”,比如无人驾驶(autonomous driving)、虚拟现实(virtual reality)、人工智能(artificial intelligence)、以及最近常说的“内卷化”(involution),都属于 buzzword (流行词汇)。
of the moment 不是“当前、当下”,而是指 famous, important and talked about a lot now,常形容人、工作、议题,可翻译成“红极一时、广为谈论”,比如李佳琦是当前很火的电商带货主播,我们可以说:
Li Jiaqi is an e-commerce live-streaming seller of the moment.
文中“the buzzword of the moment”就是“红极一时的流行词”。
metaverse 是前缀“meta-”和词根“verse”的结合,“meta-”在英语中有 higher, beyond, outside 的意思,比如 metaphysics (=beyond ordinary physical things) 形而上学的,metacognition 元认知(即对自己思维的认知,知道自己知道什么、不知道什么)。verse 来自 universe,指“宇宙”,所以 metaverse 就是“超越宇宙、宇宙之外”的意思,汉语翻译成“元宇宙”。
其实在今年8月,芯片巨头英伟达也推出了一个为元宇宙打造的模拟平台 Omniverse,其前缀“omni-”表示“总、全部”,比如 omnivore 杂食动物,omnipresent 无所不在,verse 也是来自 universe,所以 Omniverse 就是“包罗万象的宇宙、囊括一切的宇宙”。
If you’re interested in technology, you’ve probably heard the buzzword of the moment – "metaverse."
再看第二句话:The hype around this term may have reached its zenith Thursday, when Facebook announced that it was renaming its portfolio of companies ‘Meta’ to align its businesses with its ambition to build the metaverse.
hype 指 attempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc,即“大肆宣传、炒作”,通常含贬义。比如很多商家宣传自己的产品多么多么好,但消费者买来之后发现并没有那么好,我们就可以说:
Many products sold on e-commerce live streaming platforms won't live up to all the hype. 
Despite the media hype, I found the film very disappointing. 
term 在这里是“术语、词语”的意思,文中的 this term 指的就是上句提到的“元宇宙”这个词。
zenith [ˈzenɪθ] 指 the most successful point in the development of something 事物发展的“顶点、顶峰”,可以同 peak 替换,相关搭配有 reach its zenith, be at its zenith.
反义词是 nadir “低谷” [ˈneɪdɪə(r)],比如我们都经历过人生的低谷(the nadir of one's life)。
文中 The hype around this term may have reached its zenith Thursday 的意思就是:周四,关于“元宇宙”的炒作或许达到了顶峰。
注意,在新闻中,“周几”前的介词 on 一般省略,以节约版面,用更少的文字传递更多的信息。
portfolio 指个人或机构的“投资组合”,比如我有10万块钱,6万买茅台,3万买特斯拉,1万买黄金,这种“把鸡蛋放到多个篮子里”的投资就叫 portfolio(投资组合)。
portfolio 的本质是一系列的组合,所以在商业领域中也可以表示“产品组合”,比如华为不光生产手机,还有5G基站、鸿蒙操作系统等多种产品,这些产品的组合就叫 a portfolio of products.
文中的 its portfolio of companies 是这么回事:Facebook公司旗下不只有脸谱网一个产品,它还有其它子公司和产品,比如 Instagram、WhatsApp,而 rename its portfolio of companies Meta 的意思就是把Facebook的一系列产品组合改名为Meta。
为什么要改名呢?后面通过 to do 结构进行补充:to align its businesses with its ambition to build the metaverse.
align 本质上就是“连线、使排成一条直线”,比如我们上小学的时候都要值日,把桌椅对齐成一条线,这就是 align the desks in rows 把书桌一行行对齐。
ambition 常常翻译成“雄心”,其实理解成 big plan, long-term plan 更方便一些,文中 align its businesses with its ambition to build the metaverse 的意思就是:把它的业务和打造元宇宙的长远规划连起来,即,使其业务符合构建“元宇宙”世界的目标。
The hype around this term may have reached its zenith Thursday, when Facebook announced that it was renaming its portfolio of companies ‘Meta’ to align its businesses with its ambition to build the metaverse.


The metaverse of Zuckerberg’s dreams is the sort of place where everyone’s plugged into a virtual reality, able to teleport, make things happen merely by thinking about them and effectively step beyond the limitations of the physical world into a brave, new digital one. The billionaire concedes this is still “a long way off.”——Bloomberg扎克伯格梦想中的元宇宙是这样一种地方:每个人都参与到虚拟现实的世界中来,能够瞬间传送,仅通过意识就能让事情发生,有效超越物理世界的限制,进入一个勇敢的、全新的数字世界。这位亿万富翁承认,这还有“很长的路要走”。——彭博
先看第一句:The metaverse of Zuckerberg’s dreams is the sort of place where everyone’s plugged into a virtual reality, able to teleport, make things happen merely by thinking about them and effectively step beyond the limitations of the physical world into a brave, new digital one.
plug 本义是名词“插头”,作动词表示“插入”,比如电脑联网、设备连接起来就可以说 plug into,看两个例句:
All our computers are plugged into the main network. 
Games consoles plug into the back of the TV.
plug into 也可以引申为“参与”,可以联想“插头参与到插座中”,比如:
The company has doubled its profits since plugging into lucrative overseas markets. 
文中 everyone’s plugged into a virtual reality 可以理解成:所有人被接入到虚拟现实世界中、所有人参与到虚拟现实的世界中。
teleport 可从构词角度分析,前缀“tele-”指“远距离的”,比如 telephone 电话(远距离讲话),television 电视(远距离影像),telescope 望远镜(远距离观察仪器,scope表示“镜、观察仪器”)。
“-port”跟“交通”有关,比如 transport 交通,所以合起来 teleport 就是“远距离传送”的意思。
physical world 指“物理世界”,也就是我们现在生存的、能看得见摸得着的世界,和 virtual world(虚拟世界)或 digital world(数字世界)相对。另外,“实体店”的英文就是 physical store,与之相对的是 online store 网店。
The metaverse of Zuckerberg’s dreams is the sort of place where everyone’s plugged into a virtual reality, able to teleport, make things happen merely by thinking about them and effectively step beyond the limitations of the physical world into a brave, new digital one.
The billionaire concedes this is still “a long way off.”这位亿万富翁承认,这还有“很长的路要走”。
off 表示“离、距离”,a long way off 就是“离...还有很长的路要走”。可以形容时间和距离。


Technologists would answer that the internet will eventually evolve into the metaverse, which will come to represent the next major computing platform. If the concept can be actualized, it is expected to be as transformative to society and industry as the mobile phone.——World Economic Forum技术专家会这么回答:互联网最终将演变成元宇宙,它将代表下一个主要计算平台。如果这一概念能够实现,它有望能将像手机一样对社会和行业产生革命性的影响。——世界经济论坛
come to 表示“达到(某种程度)”,也可以翻译成“逐渐、最终”,看两个例句:
In time she came to love him.
I've come to expect this kind of behaviour from him.
文中 which will come to represent the next major computing platform 的意思就是:元宇宙最终会代表下一个主要的计算平台。
actualize 来自形容词 actual(真的),动词后缀“-ize”表示“使...、使成为...”,比如 modernize 使现代化,privatize 使私有化。所以 actualize 就是“实现、使发生”的意思,可以和 realize 替换,比如 actualize your dream 实现自己的梦想。
另外,表示“实现”,也可以说 sth come to fruition 或 sth be brought to fruition,比如这篇文章后面有一句话:
If it can come to fruition, it is conceivable that it will transform consumer and enterprise behavior.
Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格说:元宇宙不是我们在手机或电脑屏幕上看到的互联网,它是一个我们参与的、可以置身其中的互联网。



    buzzword 流行词of the moment 红极一时、广受讨论“meta-”和“omni-”前缀hype 炒作、宣传term 术语、词语zenith=peak≠nadirportfolio 投资组合、产品组合align 使对齐(align desks in rows)plug into 插入、参与“tele-”前缀a long way off 还有很长的路要走come to 逐渐、最终actualize; sth come to fruition; sth be brought to fruition 实现


