
When you think of Facebook, search probably isn’t the first thing to come to mind. And to be fair, for a long time Facebook’s search function was pretty terrible.

当您想到Facebook时,搜索可能并不是第一件事。 公平地说,很长一段时间以来,Facebook的搜索功能都非常糟糕。

That’s not the case anymore, though. A number of changes in recent years have made Facebook’s search function really easy to use, and quite powerful, all at the same time. Here are a few things you can find quickly with this function, along with some tips to keep in mind.

不过,情况已不再如此。 近年来的许多变化使Facebook的搜索功能真正易于使用,并且功能强大,并且可以同时使用。 使用此功能可以快速找到以下几件事,并牢记一些提示。

搜索人 (Search for People)

The most obvious use for Facebook’s search functionality is searching for people, so let’s start with that. Just type the name of the person you’re looking for, and you’ll see a list of results:

Facebook搜索功能最明显的用途是搜索人员,所以让我们开始吧。 只要输入您要寻找的人的名字,您就会看到结果列表:

Of course, it’s rare to find the exact person you’re looking for on the first try, which is why Facebook lets you use other criteria. For example, you can type someone’s name and city, and Facebook will figure out what you mean.

当然,很少会在第一次尝试中找到您要寻找的确切人,这就是Facebook让您使用其他条件的原因。 例如,您可以输入某人的姓名和城市,Facebook会弄清楚您的意思。

You can specify basically any attribute and Facebook will drill down, assuming whoever you’re looking for publicly features that information. For example, you could type someone’s name and:

您基本上可以指定任何属性,并且假定您要寻找的人公开拥有该信息,Facebook将对其进行深入研究。 例如,您可以输入某人的姓名和:

    The place they live, or used to live. 他们居住或曾经居住的地方。 Someone’s career title, e.g. “Farmer” or “Journalist”. 某人的职业头衔,例如“农民”或“新闻工作者”。 The place they work, or used to work. 他们工作或曾经工作的地方。 Any schools they attended in the past, or are currently attending. 他们过去或现在上过的所有学校。 Any organization the person is affiliated with, including churches or nonprofits. 该人所属的任何组织,包括教堂或非营利组织。

Include these bits of information and Facebook will try to find people who match all the criteria listed. It does a surprisingly good job of parsing that information.

包括这些信息,Facebook将尝试找到符合所有列出条件的人员。 它在解析该信息方面做得非常好。

In some cases, you don’t even need a name. For example, if you work at Jack’s Coffee Shop, you could search for “Jack’s Coffee Shop employees” and scroll through a list of people who’ve publically stated they work there. Or if you have someone’s email address, you could try searching for that to find their Facebook profile.

在某些情况下,您甚至不需要名称。 例如,如果您在Jack's Coffee Shop工作,则可以搜索“ Jack's Coffee Shop员工”,并滚动浏览公开声明在此工作的人员列表。 或者,如果您有某人的电子邮件地址,则可以尝试搜索该地址以找到其Facebook个人资料。

You can even search for groups of people based on criteria like this. For example “friends in los angeles” will show you all your Facebook friends that live in Los Angeles—perfect for planning all your outings on your next visit.

您甚至可以根据这样的条件搜索人群。 例如,“洛杉矶的朋友”将向您显示居住在洛杉矶的所有Facebook朋友-可以完美地计划您下次访问时的所有郊游。

搜索特定帖子 (Search for Specific Posts)

Have you ever found yourself trying to find back a specific Facebook post, or conversation, from a few months or even years ago? Facebook’s search can help with that. Just type a few keywords from the conversation into search, then click one of the “Posted By” buttons in the left column.

您是否曾经发现自己试图找回几个月甚至几年前的特定Facebook帖子或对话? Facebook的搜索可以帮助您解决这一问题。 只需在对话中输入几个关键字即可进行搜索,然后单击左列中的“发布者”按钮之一。

In this example I found an important post I wrote a few months ago, but you could use this feature to find all sorts of things. Maybe there’s a picture of your granddaughter, or a specific recipe, that you remember scrolling past but can’t find back. This can help you find those things. You can even click the “Choose a Source” button if you know who precisely posted the thing you’re looking for.

在此示例中,我找到了几个月前写的一篇重要文章,但是您可以使用此功能查找各种内容。 也许有您孙女的照片或特定食谱,您记得滚动过去但找不到。 这可以帮助您找到那些东西。 如果您知道谁确切地发布了您要查找的内容,您甚至可以单击“选择来源”按钮。

If this isn’t enough, you also have to option to specify a range of dates, or the physical location the post was made from.


搜索页面 (Search for Pages)

There are other things you might be searching for on Facebook—pages, for example. If you want to search for the official page for an organization, just type it’s name. The top result will usually be official.

您可能还在Facebook上搜索其他内容,例如页面。 如果要搜索组织的官方页面,只需键入它的名称即可。 最高的结果通常是官方的。

See that blue checkmark beside the page’s name? That means it’s an official page. If you want to find some unofficial pages to like as well, click the “Pages” tab above the search results.

看到页面名称旁边的蓝色复选标记吗? 这意味着它是一个官方页面。 如果您也想找到一些非官方的页面,请单击搜索结果上方的“页面”标签。

This lets you search every page on Facebook, and is a great way to find new public pages worth watching.


搜索最新标题 (Search for The Latest Headlines)

Facebook probably isn’t a great place to get your news, but the “Latest” tab will show you a bunch of recent posts related to whatever your search query might be.

Facebook 可能不是一个获取新闻的好地方 ,但是“最新”标签将向您显示一堆与您的搜索查询可能有关的最新帖子。

If you want to know what’s happening related to a certain subject, this is a quick way to see conversations about it from all over Facebook.


清除搜索记录 (Clear Your Search History)

You might notice, as you start searching, that your entire search history is saved by Facebook for future reference. This can be practical: if you search the same thing a lot, Facebook can give you faster recommendations. But it can also feel somewhat creepy. If you want to clear this out, click the “Edit” button to the right of the search bar.

在开始搜索时,您可能会注意到,整个搜索历史记录已由Facebook保存,以备将来参考。 这可能很实用:如果您经常搜索相同的内容,Facebook可以为您提供更快的建议。 但它也可能让人感到有些毛骨悚然。 如果您想清除它,请单击搜索栏右侧的“编辑”按钮。

This will take you to the search history page, where you’ll find a “Clear History” link.


Click this and Facebook will delete all of your search history, potentially hiding all sorts of things you shouldn’t have searched for in the first place.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/282908/how-to-use-facebooks-search-to-find-anyone-or-anything/
